
Vigilance at Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited

HOCL's Vigilance Department, headed by Chief Vigilance Officer. The focus of the Vigilance wing is to help all other departments of HOCL 'improve their functioning in a transparent manner so that the target of optimum turnover and profitability are achieved'. Emphasis is given on the preventive vigilance. Accordingly the thrust of the department has been towards system study / improvement and to ensure the implementation of laid-down procedures / policies, rules etc. The guide lines and circulars issued by CVC are duly circulated for implementation by all concerned personnel. Prescribed / required manuals are being updated. Information technology is being utilized to ensure that all information related to the award of contracts, above the threshold value, are regularly updated on the web-site of the company. ERP system has been installed to improve the efficiency of the system.

The Vigilance department takes prompt action in respect of complaints received. There is a comprehensive complaint handling policy and prescribed punitive action is duly suggested, after conducting fair investigation / enquiry, wherever required. Regular scrutiny of the APR of the Officers and inspection of various transaction I activities are undertaken to detect deviation, if any, and ensure prescribed correction.

Awareness programs in respect of CDA Rules, RTI Act, PIDPI (Whistle Blowers Act ) etc. are regularly organized by the Vigilance Department. A 'Vigilance Awareness Week' is organised every year and all personnel, of all level, actively participate. The Vigilance department maintains close interaction with its supervisory authority i.e. CVC, CBI and other government agencies, whose web-site addresses are give below, to strengthen the Vigilance setup in HOCL. Required steps are being taken to ensure that HOCL's vigilance personnel remain in touch with the CBI Training Institute, Ghaziabad and VSC, Hyderabad for the updating of relevant knowledge and improvement of technical competence.


The vigilance department is presently manned by the below referred personnel: -

Sl. No


Contact address

Email Id & Phone No.


Dr Rahul Subhash Jagtap, ISS

(Chief Vigilance Officer)

Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd.Office No.1003-1004,10th floor NMS Titanium Premises Co-Op.Society Ltd.Plot No.74,Sector 15,C.B.D Belapur,Navi Mumbai-400 614


Ph: 022-27575268/69


 Vigilance Department

HOCL, Ambalamugal, Kochi - 682302

HOCL,CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai – 400614

Ph: 0484-2727325 (Kochi)

Ph: 022-27575268 (Navi Mumbai)












HOCL Whistle Blower Policy on this link

Employees of HOCL may take an integrity pledge after clicking on this link.

Integrity pledge Certificate issued to HOCL by CVC on this link.

Vigilance Manual from CVC on this link.

Vigilance Awareness Week (2024) on this link

Important Links









Latest Tenders

Other Locations


Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited

Office No. 1003-1004, 10th Floor,
NMS Titanium Premises Co-op Society Ltd.,
Plot No. 74, Sector 15, C.B.D. Belapur,
Navi Mumbai 400614

CIN: L99999KL1960GOI082753

Core 6, First Floor,
Scope Complex, 7 – Lodi Road,
New Delhi – 110 003,
PH : 91 11 24361610, 24364690.
Fax : 91 24360698.
Subsidiary Unit
Hindustan Flouro Carbons Limited
(A Subsidiary Company of HOCL),
Rudraram, Medak Dist.
PH: 91 8455 220123, 220134, 220147

Factory & Registered Office

Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd.

Post Bag: No: 18,
Ambalamugal P. O.,
Ernakulam Dist,
Kerala - 682 302, India

PH : 91 484 2720911– 13, 2720844 – 45

E-mail : kochi[at]hocl[dot]gov[dot]in

CIN: L99999KL1960GOI082753
