The Indian Chemical Industry is an integral component of the Indian Economy and the role of chemical industry will be more poignant and intense during the years to come with several downstream industries. Though the chemical industry grew by leaps and bounds after the II World War, the regulatory mechanism for its growth was introduced only in the seventies in the country. The rapid changes in the business environment due to technological advancement, social behavioural pattern and globalization with World Trade Organisation (WTO) assuming an increasing role are causing deep concern to the chemical industry to meet the challenges of stringent economic and environmental Laws which may come into force from time to time in the coming years.
Productivity is no more looked upon only from its economic concept viz. ratio of what is produced to what is required to produce it. It has acquired larger and broader dimension in the context of human value system and that is, the concept of social philosophy assumes greatest significance.
HOCL has carved a niche for itself in the chemical field. It has played a pioneering role not only in industrialization but also in enhancing the quality of life in its neighborhood. Company has contributed to the improvement of roads, educational facilities drinking water supply and health care in and around its units.
HOCL is conscious of the need to evolve the system to prevent any adverse environmental impact out of its operations. The focus in chemical industry through “ Responsible Care” is well recognised. Our company is one of the signatories of this movement, committed to maintain clean environment, safe operations, industrial health of its people and wellbeing of the community around the area it operates.
The company’s commitment to maintain ecological balance has been a part of its corporate objective. The Kochi complex is a model of abundant greenery in the midst of industrial activity. A planned afforestation programme undertaken over a decade ago is continuing to make the surroundings serene and lush green.
With the fast-changing scenario in the international business and competition, PSUs will have to reengineer their business operations. They are no longer protected by fiscal subsidies and concessions. The tasks that lay ahead of us are complex and numerous. In all these efforts, the human element reigns supreme. The whole-hearted cooperation and contribution of all employees not only in their individual sphere of activities, but in the attainment of the corporate goal by working as a united team forms the foundation stone on which the edifice of corporate success is built. I hope that with our firm determination and will to overcome hurdles, and the forbearance displayed by our employees, it will not be difficult to accomplish success.
HOC is fortunate to have the ready support from the Government of India, the State Governments, particularly Governments of Maharashtra and Kerala and the valuable patronage of our customers. We are grateful to them and are confident to have their continued cooperation. We are marching ahead with optimism to fulfil the corporate mission.
Chairman and Managing Director - HOCL
Latest Tenders
Tender No : MAT/PUR/33397/25/CAP
Tender Date : 08-04-2025
Closing Date : 08-04-2025
Tender No : MAT/PUR/33399/25
Tender Date : 09-04-2025
Closing Date : 09-04-2025
View MoreTender for Security Services at Rasayani & Panvel (Corrigendum)
Tender No : GEM/2025/B/6059009
Tender Date : 05-04-2025
Closing Date : 05-04-2025
View MoreTender for Security Services at Rasayani & Panvel
Tender No : GEM/2025/B/6059009
Tender Date : 05-04-2025
Closing Date : 05-04-2025
View MoreOther Locations
Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited
Office No. 1003-1004, 10th Floor,NMS Titanium Premises Co-op Society Ltd.,
Plot No. 74, Sector 15, C.B.D. Belapur,
Navi Mumbai 400614
CIN: L99999KL1960GOI082753
Core 6, First Floor,Scope Complex, 7 – Lodi Road,
New Delhi – 110 003,
PH : 91 11 24361610, 24364690.
Fax : 91 24360698.
Subsidiary Unit
Hindustan Flouro Carbons Limited(A Subsidiary Company of HOCL),
Rudraram, Medak Dist.
PH: 91 8455 220123, 220134, 220147
Factory & Registered Office
Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd.
Post Bag: No: 18,
Ambalamugal P. O.,
Ernakulam Dist,
Kerala - 682 302, India
PH : 91 484 2720911– 13, 2720844 – 45
E-mail : kochi[at]hocl[dot]gov[dot]in
CIN: L99999KL1960GOI082753